A college prankster hired two airplanes to fly banners poking fun at Tom Cruise and the church. "It was just something we thought would be funny," he told The Post.
“I guess what happened was his pants were a little loose on him, I guess when he got pushed his pants came down,” a witness said. "I feel bad now that I think about it, but it was funny while we saw it.”
The retail giant's Sharper Image Personal Touch Go Massager looks an awful lot like the popular $240 Magic Wand vibrator, leaving people wondering if it is in fact a dupe or just a funny coincidence.
“It was funny seeing my song at that presidential debate because I wrote that song about those people" the viral sensation said about political parties
A director of legendary 90's sitcom "Friends" didn't hold back any punches after calling one of it's cast members on the show "not funny," the Daily Mail reported.