The Academy Awards ceremony is streaming live for the very first time in its 97-year history. The Oscars will stream on Hulu at the same time as it airs on traditional network TV via ABC. The ceremony starts on March 2 at 7PM ET, though there’s a...
The Academy Awards ceremony is streaming live for the very first time in its 97-year history. The Oscars will stream on Hulu at the same time as it airs on traditional network TV via ABC. The ceremony starts on March 2 at 7PM ET, though there’s a...
Hollywood came relatively late to the culture wars. It wasn’t until 2016 — when all 20 Oscars acting nominations went to white performers for the second year in a row — that the Academy Awards began to take diversity seriously. By the following...
The Oscars are slated to take place in Los Angeles, but the city is reeling from the impact of ongoing wildfires. Find out if the big ceremony will go on despite the disaster.