“Saturday Night Live” host Owen Wilson kicked off the show’s 47th season over the weekend with little fanfare, drawing sharply lower ratings than last year’s season debut. Ratings for the live sketch-comedy show on Saturday plummeted 35...
Owen Wilson grew up the middle child between two brothers, and all three have found their niche in Hollywood. Learn all about Owen's brothers Luke and Andrew, here!
Daniel Powter's "Bad Day" was topping the Billboard Hot 100, Owen Wilson had just made his debut as Lightning McQueen in "Cars" and Sacramento Kings forward Keegan Murray was counting down the days to his sixth birthday.
State Sen. Anthony Palumbo, the ranking Republican on the judiciary committee, called for a hearing Monday after The Post revealed that Judge Owen Wilson voted to free a convicted rapist last month.
"I think it's tough. I think the reality is people say that all the time. I run into people all the time that say I look like Owen Wilson," he told TMZ.