Paris Hilton shared that fake tabloid news led to her feud with best friend Nicole Richie. During an episode of “Call Her Daddy,” the iconic BFFs talked about how their friendship turned “sour,” causing them to film Season 4 of their show...
As Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie are set to reunite for 'Paris & Nicole: The Encore' on Peacock, their parents open up on their initial reservations of 'The Simple Life'.
In their reunion special, The Simple Life's Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie reunite for a one-night-only opera inspired by their famous catchphrase, "Sanasa."
Victoria and David Beckham dress to the nines for their Christmas Eve celebration while Paris Hilton wears only a bow under her family Christmas tree. See how the stars are celebrating Christmas this year.
As a series of fires are continuing to ravage through Los Angeles, more Hollywood stars have fled the area. From Paris Hilton to Adam Brody and Leighton Meester, many celebrities had to evacuate in order to protect their families’ lives and their...