Iggy Azalea aired her co-parenting drama with Playboi Carti, but a source EXCLUSIVELY tells HollywoodLife that the rapper would still 'love' for her ex to be 'more present' in their nine-month-old son's 'life.'
Holiday cheer has turned into COVID-19 fear at the Staten Island district attorney's office where a coronavirus outbreak hit more than a dozen prosecutors and other staffers a week after an office holiday party.
A Grinch Out East nabbed 60 Christmas trees from the American Legion Hall in Amagansett that were being sold by the Kiwanis Club to raise money for charity.
Kim Kardashian and her 4 kids got all dolled up on Christmas Eve even though the annual holiday party didn't happen. Kim and her kids posed for adorable family photos without Kanye West.
Kendall Jenner looked confident and gorgeous as she let her hair down and struck an over-the-shoulder pose, in a snapshot that was shared by her mom Kris Jenner.
Kim Kardashian shared some follow-up footage from the KarJenner family's lavish Christmas Eve party, to prove that all the famous women did in fact take group photos together.
Getting into the holiday spirit but still stuck at work? A cute new macOS called Festivitas can help you decorate your Mac computer screen with twinkling, holiday lights that are strung up from your menu bar and illuminate your dock. This whimsical...
President-elect Donald Trump recycled a 2018 Christmas photo of himself and Melania while issuing an uncharacteristically peaceful wish this year, as the family business went all out on peddling MAGA holiday gear.